Deals and offers
We regularly have great deals and offers in store – from meal deals to saving on everyday essentials. We also have a loyalty scheme called Your Rewards, which offers great instant discounts and year-round promotions. We even give you £5 to spend in store when you join Your Rewards.
Oh, and we give everyone 5p off a litre of fuel when you spend £25 in our stores. That’s what we call value on the go!
Instant savings with Your Rewards
Fancy making instant savings when in store, plus other benefits like competitions, prize draws and automatically donating to charity just by using your card?
Join our loyalty scheme, Your Rewards, and you’ll get all the above and more! In fact, we’ll even throw in a fiver to spend in store once you’ve registered!
Great discounts all-year round
Our customers can take advantage of some of the best deals around on some of the biggest brands! From pairing a rollover hot-dog and a slush drink to save money, or our regularly updated WOW deals – you’re in for a treat!
Become a loyalty member now and join Your Rewards to be the first to know about these great offers.
Meal Deal
Grab yourself a main, snack and a drink for just £4 with our sandwich meal deal.
All this talk about delicious food leaving you feeling peckish? Find your nearest store to pick up your meal deal!
WOW deals
Our WOW deals are updated regularly through the year and available across every store.
To make sure you’re up to date with the best deals in store, join Your Rewards and never miss a good deal!